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Monday, April 16, 2012

Take A Chance on Love

 I recently had a friend that I’ve known since I was a little girl inform me that he has always liked me but was scared to tell me. My response to him was “Why now?” He said he didn’t know why he never said anything before but the point was he was telling me now. Okay. I can get behind that. I mean better late than never right?
But this whole thing got me to thinking… this is not the first time I’ve had a “friend” tell me they had more than “friendly” feelings toward me. They’ve all had pretty much the same excuse as to why they’ve never said anything. It almost always boils down to they didn’t know how I would take it.
Each time though I was genuinely surprised to find out they had deep feelings for me, I was also upset at the missed opportunity and time lost. The reality is the best kind of relationship you can have is one that starts as a friendship. Is it risky…maybe. Is it worth it…definitely. I know that there is always the slight chance that if your friend isn’t open to being more, it may affect the friendship. As well if the two of you do take the chance and things don’t work out. But there is an even bigger chance that considering the two of you are friends and know so much about each other already, that you will be able to fully accept each other as you are. That acceptance could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Love is full of risks. But so is life. You can live a life always playing by the rules or take a chance and possibly go on the most fulfilling and eventful ride of your life. Your choice.